Time to Switch Your Online Giving

We are changing to a new online giving platform. Many of you already use Church Center for signups, so we hope this will be a relatively easy transition.

  1. “Turn off” your giving at THE OLD SITE. Look for scheduled payments and delete them.

  2. Set up your giving on THE NEW SITE. If you contribute towards more than one ministry (the BNC, Front Door, etc.), be sure to click the "Add Donation" button for each account you'd like to switch over.

Some of you give directly from your bank or credit union, such as through “bill pay.” This is a good time to consider using the new online site instead. “Bill pay”/ direct payment from a bank or credit union generates a paper check for us to deposit. The cost in staff time to do this can be greater than the online service fee.

If you are having challenges, contact Charin (“Karen”) Hedstrom during office hours:
Tuesday-Friday, 9:00am-2:00pm
253-272-8819, press 1 for the office