Trinity Directory

This January we would like to update everyone's contact information so that we can print the directory for those that would like a physical copy. If you would like to do this on your own, please download the Church Center App (Google Play or App Store) or you can do it online. Please make sure your contact information is up to date, you upload pictures for everyone in your household, and opt into The Directory if you agree to having your information printed. We will also have a station set up in the Fellowship Hall for someone to help you update your information if you'd like some assistance.

**Just a reminder that if you do not opt into the Directory, you will not be able to view anyone else’s information who has opted in. If you’d like any assistance, please email the Office Manager.

Submit Nominations for Elder/Deacon

We invite you to nominate someone for Elder or Deacon. The term of service is a 3 year commitment and will begin in March 2023. The criteria for leadership in the church is a “person of faith in Jesus Christ, dedication, and good judgment. Their manner of life should be a demonstration of the gospel, both within the church and in the world." The person also must be an active member of Trinity. We request that you ask a person’s permission before submitting their names, particularly to see if they are interested in exploring this kind of opportunity.

Thankfulness Abounds!

The Bryant Neighborhood Center was bustling this week with all of the Thanksgiving baskets and meals. First Presbyterian sponsored several baskets that we distributed to neighbors in partnership with Peace Community Center. We were the pick-up site for Bryant Montessori's baskets on Wednesday night. And Ms. Iris's "Food and Conversation" hosted a full Thanksgiving spread for our unhoused guests on Thanksgiving Eve. Grateful to see the BNC alive with so much hospitality and love!


Tony's Kitchen Moves Indoors in October

After a long season of being on the Trinity House front porch, we will be moving indoors to our lovely BNC, with the AMAZING new kitchen. We will serve a sit-down meal to people in our neighborhood. Four or five volunteers are needed each Friday to cook, serve, clean up, and most importantly connect with our guests. The time commitment is from 12 to 2:30 p.m., with lunch served from 1 to 2 p.m. If you are interested in joining us or would like more information, please reach out to Roseann Lauzon ( click on Roseann's name to email or call 253-272-8819 x1004).

Introducing Our New Senior Director of the Bryant Neighborhood Center!

We are thrilled to announce that Trinity is welcoming Nicole (Nikki) Davidson as the new Senior Director of the Bryant Neighborhood Center. The Senior Director is responsible for pushing forward the vision of the BNC to nurture “a diverse, connected, and empowered Bryant Neighborhood, with neighbors actively participating in the development of a healthy, just, and sustainable community.” This position will lead vision, staff, program, fundraising, and neighborhood partnerships.

This work with the BNC brings together many of Nikki’s passions, strengths, experiences, and even her own story. She brings over 25 years of experience in the church and non-profit worlds to this role at Trinity. She has worked as a NP Executive Director, a social-enterprise business owner, a Missions Coordinator for a Presbtyerian church, and a consultant on many projects.  But before all of that, Nikki and her family (while she was still in high school) were ‘members in mission’ from Shepherd of the Hill Presbyterian Church in Puyallup to Trinity, supporting Pastor Lynn Longfield and the small congregation that had just launched the Trinity Afterschool Program. It was a pivotal, life-shaping experience for her. In fact, as she wrote in her application materials: “The Trinity rebirth was integral to my understanding of faith in action and became a signpost in my own spiritual journey. In looking back, I think that my years at Trinity informed many of my professional choices as well.”

Nikki is married to Andy and together they have five children, ranging in age from 10 to 22. Nikki is down-to-earth, a strong leader, and a connector of people. She is someone whose posture and ethos aligns with all that we are hoping to do with the BNC.

Nikki will be introduced in worship on Sunday, September 11, and begin her role officially on Monday, September 19.

Welcome to Our New Children's Director

Trinity is glad to welcome Emily Garofalo as our new Director of Children & Family Ministry. Emily has a passion and joy in working with children and families, and is eager to put her years of experience in nonprofit settings to work in the faith community, supporting Trinity in our mission of nurturing our children as followers of Jesus. Emily and her husband, Luciano, and their two young daughters, Lia (5) and Maria (3), have roots in Tacoma, and recently returned after several years in Portland where Luciano was completing his training as a Pediatric Naturopathic Doctor. Emily & her family have been a part of Christian community in the L’Arche Tahoma Hope and the Catholic Worker Movement. Emily will begin her 20 hrs/week work with us on July 19. We’ll have a special welcome for her on Sunday, July 24. A special thanks to our Children’s Ministry Director Hiring Team (Megan Snow, Annie Lambert, Bev Hatter, and Matt R-G) and for their discernment work since last summer. Also a big note of gratitude to our Children’s Ministry Team (Amber R-G, Megan Snow, Annie Lambert, KariAnn Elling, with the support of Kyle Bradshaw) who have organized and led our children’s ministry for this past program year without a permanent staff person.

Trinity Welcomes a New Piano

We are excited to announce that, thanks to several generous donors, Trinity is retiring our 102-year-old piano and took delivery this week of a beautiful new-to-us Bergmann Young Chang grand piano. We are thankful for this generous gift, a blessing that will be enjoyed by our congregation for many years.

Rev. Harlan Shoop Receives Recognition from TMA

Congratulations, Harlan!

Rev. Harlan Shoop was recognized by Tacoma Ministerial Alliance for his decades of service to TMA, to the Hilltop community, and to the greater area. We're so grateful for all of the years that he has served our Trinity community as well. Congratulate and thank him the next time you see him!

Lend a Hand at Trinity

We have quite a few volunteer openings available right now. Whether you love holding littles in the Nursery, working with our children or youth, are interested in volunteering from home with our Sunday Livestream, want to try your hand at sound or video, or have a big smile to share as a greeter, we have a place for you! Learn more and sign up for all of these opportunities and more here.

Partner Spotlight | One Parish One Prisoner Article

"Think about it: the passion narrative that we read and rehash in our liturgies year after year, at the core of our Christian faith, is the story of an arrest, a standoff with police, a betrayal against the accused, a junk trial, a community’s fears and politics, public protests, a prosecution and sentencing without a defense, a public execution — and the roles that a religious community played in it all.

For all the sermons, movies and greeting cards about hope and empty tombs, how do we not recognize a glaringly dark criminal legal experience – and its undoing (resurrection) – at the very center of our faith?"

Click here to read an article on One Parish One Prisoner in this month's Presbyterian Outlook, written by Chris Hoke, the founding Director of Underground Ministries and creator of OPOP here in Washington.

Children's Ministry Update

Trinity’s ministry with children is all about “growing authentic, committed and loving followers of Jesus, one relationship at a time.” Our Godly Play classes invite children into this journey every Sunday morning through sacred storytelling, creative expression, and inquiry. These rooms hum with questions, connections, prayers, stories, and laughter.

Trinity's intergenerational team of children's minstry volunteers had the opportunity to glean wisdom and inspiration from a well-experienced Godly Play teacher from Bethany Presbyterian Seattle this winter. Refreshed by the training and delighted to see growing numbers of little ones joining us in recent weeks, we invite you to consider serving with us as an assistant over the remaining weeks of this school year! It's a "dip your toe in the water" rather than "full plunge" ask.

Most urgently, we need a helper for the two remaining Jubilee Sundays in May and June. Additionally, we'd love to welcome more folks into support roles in our Godly Play classes. This will enable us to respond to larger class sizes and help sustain our current collection of volunteers, whom we thank and appreciate deeply!

Please join us in continuing to pray for this vital part of our church with gratitude and anticipation. We continue recruitment for a Director of Children & Families and thank Kyle Bradshaw for his oversight and organization during this transition in leadership. Contact him if you are interested in learning more about volunteering.

New Glass for BNC Doors

Good news! After several weeks of having our BNC doors securely boarded up due to vandalism, new glass has been installed and the doors are usable once again. Trinity was selected for a one-time window replacement grant by the City of Tacoma. We're grateful for their assistance to us and to the broader community, as so many of our neighbors have experienced similar vandalism.

Sponsor an Easter Lily

It's a Trinity tradition to have Easter lilies, given in honor or in memory of someone or some group, adorn the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday. We invite you to sponsor a lily for our first Easter Sunday in our building since the renovation.

Orders must be received by Monday, April 11. Payment can be made online or by check. If paying by check, please write “Easter Lilies” on the memo line place in the offering box in the Narthex on Sunday, or bring payment to church office. 

Mask Update: Masks Welcome, Not Required

In response to Washington State's decision to end our mask mandate, as well as to Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department's decision to support the state's decision to end the mandate, Trinity will move to a "masks welcome but not required" policy during our services and events as of March 20. In alignment with local and state health department recommendations, we will continue to mitigate risks in other ways by encouraging those who attend events or services at Trinity to get vaccinated and boosted, wash hands regularly, and maintain a safe distance when possible. We understand that not all will be comfortable with the shift away from masking in indoor spaces. We anticipate that there will be some who continue to mask, regardless of crowd size. We encourage everyone to make the best decision for themselves, knowing that Trinity and its leadership will lovingly support the decisions of all those who attend. We have also upgraded all of our building's HVAC filters and have added freestanding HEPA filters in our children's classrooms, and will continue to offer masks at the door as well as easily-accessible hand sanitizer for all who enter. Click on the image above to view a message from Pastor Matt.

Elder & Deacon Nominees Announced

Trinity members are invited to attend a special congregational meeting Sunday, March 6, 2022, to vote on this year’s nominees for Elder and Deacon.

Elders exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and together (as a Session) have responsibilities for the life of the congregation. The office of Deacon is set forth in Scripture as one of compassion, witness and service after the example of Jesus Christ. It is a ministry of caring, love, compassion and prayer. The 2022 Trinity Nominating Team brings the following nominees to the congregation for election as Deacons and Elders at Trinity:

KEVIN HUNTER, Elder Nominee
Kevin and his wife Kim moved to Tacoma in 1990 and what started as “checking out” a small neighborhood church has resulted in being a Trinity members for 32 years. Kim and Kevin raised their three children (Zach 34, Katie 32, Callie 28) at Trinity and have served in multiple capacities in the church over the years. Kevin has a deep love for diverse communities and their families and has served in leadership roles of both local and international non-profit organizations throughout his professional life.

“Trinity has been a blessing to our family as well as being great gift to countless children and families from the Bryant neighborhood and the broader Tacoma context over the years. I am deeply hopeful that we will continue to live into our calling as a community of authentic followers of Jesus and to be actively seeking the spaces that God is asking us to fill, being present to each other and those in our midst. ”

Christina has been attending Trinity for about six years and a member for almost three. She has really enjoyed helping in the pre-K classroom, the connections she has made in her small groups, and the wonderful sense of groundedness and community at Trinity.

Christina works as an occupational therapist with kids ages birth to three in their homes and also through hippotherapy (using equine/horse movement as an occupational therapy treatment strategy). She is looking forward to building a deeper understanding of our church and mission, as well as growing in her own faith and further serving the community and city that she loves!

MEGAN SNOW, Elder Nominee
Megan and her husband, Tyler, and their son, Weston, live on Fox Island and were glad to have found Trinity in 2018. A first grade teacher by day, Megan enjoys volunteering in Trinity's children's classes. She is also a member of our newly formed One Parish One Prisoner team.

"We arrived at Trinity new to the South Sound and a bit disillusioned by the experience of "church." We longed to find a community in which our family — especially our young son — could encounter and respond to God's compassion and hope in an authentic way. Trinity has been that to us, and I'm honored to have the opportunity to add my voice to the chorus of elders who have come before me in love and service."

IRIS JACKSON, Deacon Nominee

Iris has been loving and serving the Trinity community and the Bryant Neighborhood for many years. She has been on Trinity's staff in various capacities (nursery, custodian, Pat's Closet) for more than 20 years. Currently she leads a circle of Trinity volunteers to host a meal on Trinity House's front porch for neighbors each Thursday evening. Iris joined Trinity as a member in 2019, and is eager to serve the Lord as a deacon for these next few years.

POLLY WITHROW, Deacon Nominee
Polly and Bob are back in Tacoma after a hiatus of many years. They are close to children and grandchildren. Trinity was Polly's home church from birth to age 24. It is truly a blessing to be back to a place where she felt so loved and cared for as she was growing up. The names have changed but the people of Trinity are still the same. It is good to be back home.

Polly feels honored to be nominated as a deacon and looks forward to the personal growth this experience will bring. She hopes to give back a little of what she has received from this community that lives the gospel in the heart of Tacoma.

Trinity Afterschool Program (TAP) Update

TAP is going well this year. We have ten TAP kids — first and second graders learning to read better as we continue with our in-person program at the BNC after school. Our tutors range from Trinity congregation to college students to middle schoolers to people in the community who have heard about TAP and want to be a part of it! We thank you all for your support of this long-standing program, where kids from Bryant Montessori get the literacy (and emotional-social) support they need. If you are interested in volunteering, we need more tutors on Wednesdays. Please contact Kelly Humphreys for more information.