Trinity is a worshiping community dedicated to living the Gospel in the heart of Tacoma. We strive to live out the Gospel by following five primary values:


We strive to approach our faith honestly, longing to know God's truth and teachings; we believe God calls us to a genuine faith.


The worshipping community of Trinity values and understands the attractiveness of an authentic lifestyle. We believe we are called to live in a manner that disarms those around us by being transparent and truthful about our individual and collective condition.


We seek to create an environment where relationships are encouraged as a primary expression of our worship and commitments; we believe God created us to be in relationship with our Creator and with one another.


We honor prayerful exploration of individual spiritual gifts, encouraging each person to step into areas of interest rather than expertise, call rather than competence; we believe God desires for us a courageous faith-in-action.


We seek ways to be open and welcoming; we believe God calls us to outreach and inclusiveness.